If you develop effective note making strategies you will greatly enhance your ability to retain the key information you need for exams, assignments, debates, presentations etc.
* Notemaking helps you to concentrate on what you are learning by focusing only on the important facts.
* By writing the information down you are helping your brain to examine it in a different way.
* Writing notes helps you with memory retention.
* Notes help you to summarise the material you are trying to learn. During revision, then, it is more time efficient to focus only on the key information you have summarised. You can read your revision notes rather than re-reading whole chapters.
* Notemaking helps you to clarify your understanding of a topic because you are using your own words to describe major concepts.
If you develop effective note making strategies you will greatly enhance your ability to retain the key information you need for exams, assignments, debates, presentations etc.
* Notemaking helps you to concentrate on what you are learning by focusing only on the important facts.
* By writing the information down you are helping your brain to examine it in a different way.
* Writing notes helps you with memory retention.
* Notes help you to summarise the material you are trying to learn. During revision, then, it is more time efficient to focus only on the key information you have summarised. You can read your revision notes rather than re-reading whole chapters.
* Notemaking helps you to clarify your understanding of a topic because you are using your own words to describe major concepts.